Posts Tagged ‘drink’


Kinderernährung in der TCM*

November 1, 2016

bildschirmfoto-2016-03-02-um-21-09-47Der Herbst ist da und damit Husten und laufende Nasen. Wie könnt ihr mit einfache Mitteln über Ernährung und Alternative Medizin Erkältungen bei euren Kindern vorbeugen?

In einem zwei Stundigem Vortrag stelle ich euch “Nahrungs” Mitteln aus der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin vor.

Wann: Am Mittwoch den 23.11.16 von 12:30 bis 14:30

Wo: im Café Kreuzzwerg, Hornstrasse 23, 10963 Berlin

Wer: Alle Eltern die über Kinderernährung und Gesundheit mehr erfahren wollen

Kosten: 10 Euro


* Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin


Fu Dao Newsletter – Summer 2011

July 6, 2011

Time has come to give some news about our new acquisition during the last harvest.

San Jiang Special Edition

This marvellous geen tea was picked on the day before we bought it! This not only means that its quality is outstanding but also that we had the great priviledge to assist the teafield’s owner during the harvest. We could look at the hand teachnique used during the plucking, at the leaves drying in the sun on and dinally the next day, we could taste this increadible freshness in our own teacups. What a delight!!!

However, we could only bring one kilo back from our trip and therefore call it has become our very Limited Edition. It is such a special tea to us, it comes with a little traditional white container. San Jiang green tea is only available for a short period of time. Click here for more details.


Celestial Teapots – the finest hands touched the finest clays

We’ve also been introduced to the world of Zisha teapots and brought some of the finest teapots with us. These exclusive teapots are made in Yixing by some excellent Craft Masters. They use the best quality of Zi Sha clay so that these teapots take the taste and smell of the tea it’s been brewed.

The fact is that some of these tea pots have been hand made by great artist in China. This not only means that they come with a genuine certificate of authentication but also that the finest hands have touched the finest clays. As a result, the shapes of these teapots are so beautiful that it reminds us of ancient times.

Fu Dao offers now three qualities of teapots. Supreme, Imperial and Celestial precisely like its Tea. For more information about Fu Dao Teaware please click here.


Dread Blogs

November 10, 2007

So, there I start my blog with the thought given by a friend of mine that it would be good to become more “civilised” and stop sending email to the whole community. For a start, I could be writing about the next travel in Tanzania taking place in the end of November. I will of course try to enclose pictures on the way and hope this will be easier for you to access and not overload your inbox.Furthermore, this will become part of my professional introduction to FUDAO, the new founded online teashop that will be live soon. It will allow you to share your thoughts and add comments to the diverse stories and experiences on “the way to happiness” (that’s what fudao means in Chinese.)

Version Francaise